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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Why Consider GCC’s Professional Sales Micro-Credential?

Professional sales careers are evolving with new tools and strategies to reach ever-more sophisticated consumers. This career offers the benefits of high earning potential, job security, scheduling flexibility, unlimited industry options, and the joy of applying both the entrepreneurial spirit with basic business skills is even more rewarding. In just three business courses, the Professional Sales Micro-credential at GCC provides up and coming as well as seasoned sales professionals across industry lines with a skill set that starts and actively advances professional careers in sales.

Who Should Consider A Professional Sales Micro-Credential?

GCC’s Professional Sales Micro-Credential provides foundational training for those who are:

  • Currently working in sales, but would benefit from state-of-the-art training
  • New to the professional sales field
  • Seeking to enter the professional sales field
  • And much more…

Learning & Skill Development

The Professional Sales Micro-Credential is comprised of three courses and explores the following opportunities either in a classroom setting or through online, HyFlex learning:

  • The power of creativity, persuasion and negotiation
  • Time, conflict and stress management
  • Polishing “soft” skills of communication and understanding the impact of EI (Emotional Intelligence)
  • Technology, trends and best practices to build customer relationships
  • Global business etiquette
  • Ethical and unethical selling practices

GCC’S Competitive Edge

GCC’s Professional Sales Micro-Credential bundles three business courses into a unique micro-credential which is delivered in just 9 credit hours. The program can be completed in one semester and works with students to effectively apply core skills. Courses include:

  • Professional Sales (BUS201) – Strengthens the effective application of proven selling principles, and integrates concepts from psychology, sociology and human relations as they apply to the art of persuasion. You will practice and hone the development of powerful sales presentations, recognize ethical and unethical selling procedures, and examine self-management principles.
  • Customer Service Management (BUS108) – Provides an overview of the core elements of exceptional customer service and its impact on businesses in an increasingly competitive world economy. You will study how leaders in business utilize customer service best practices to differentiate themselves from their competition, and how to develop new products and services. You will also explore customer service philosophies, skills and innovations and the technology used to anticipate and manage customer needs and retention while increasing revenue.
  • Business Communications (BUS106) – Explores the integrated communication skills necessary for today’s workplace, including the purposes, strategies, and processes of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and presenting within business contexts. Verbal and written language arts skills are used throughout the course.

Attention Employers:

Students apply these skills to REAL JOBS in REAL TIME!

Each student in GCC’s Professional Sales program, identifies and researches one real related challenge facing their current employer and develops a viable solution with an implementation plan!

Turn Your Micro-Credential Into An Associate Degree!

Students can also apply ALL of these micro-credential credits to a Business Administration Associate in Applied Science degree (or others) right here at GCC!

Getting Started

To discuss the Professional Sales Micro-credential opportunity, contact Dr. Lina LaMattina, GCC Professor and Director of Business and Commerce,, 585-343-0055 Ext. 6319.